The seach for hapiness

We admit it or not, but we are all searching for hapiness at some moment in our lives.

Some of us are running after it each day,hoping that we can catch some fragile moments of bliss.

I don't think there is a certain moment or recipe to find hapiness, you can find it unexpectedly at a corner of a street or you can pass over and don't see it at all.

Sometimes,you are going to find hapiness when you are brave enough to loose all the layers, to break the walls that you've been building all this time. 

But this takes a lot of work and pain and nowadays people just want everything fast.

We live in a world that seems to have lost its patience, we eat tasteless fast-food, we buy everything made in China, and in this rush people forget that they can't place an on-line order for genuine feelings.

We are so used to have everything instantly and people make no effort for the things that actually matter.

In this crazy living people don't find time anymore to get to know other people, to listen, to understand and to be present. 

Everybody is too busy with something else, while they are searching for hapiness.

If the world would end tomorrow which are the moments that really made you happy? What do you regret?  

I ask these questions from time to time, because I need to feel grounded when there is too much noise around.

When you lose the people you love, you also lose the hapiness you knew and all the chances to future moments together. 

In the most painful moments, I remind myself that unlike other people, I'm still here today and I have to continue ,one step at a time, to get closer to finding my hapiness.

Some searches are easier, some are like climbing Himalaya, but you do it for the journey, not for the image on the top.

On this search you will find people telling that there's no beauty left, that everything is cheap and can be bought. 

Look deeper, search more, give yourself permission to wonder and be surprissed, to feel even the most painful feelings. 

I've seen the most genuine feelings in hospitals hallways, in kid's eyes when they see you coming, in people who were still holding hands after a life together.

After seeing all of these I can't settle for the fake hapiness this society wants to sell.

There is no trend for real hapiness, no glamour around it,but I think it's worth a try.

I will never put an end to my search for happiness , even if one day I might find it by surprise  in a shelf on a library.
