Christian Dior 2011 Spring Haute Couture

It's almost spring, so i thought you should see those amazing dresses and shoes, because they really makes you dream of sunny days, long walks and little romance....

It was really difficult to choose only these photos(there were more than 30 ), i love them all, so full of colour, lovely, elegant and feminine shapes. What about you?

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Anonymous said…
Foarte elegante si feminine! Mi-au adus aminte de Catherine Hepburn.
Chiar mi-au placut mult, se pare ca sunt o adaptare a unei colectiie lansate de Dior in 1942.
Anonymous said…
imi place tare mult sa ma uit la poze de genul asta, chiar si la prezentari direct la televizor si o mare parte din "creatii" imi plac, dar aoi trebuie sa recunosc ca nu am inteles niciodata cine poate sa poarte rochiile astea si cu ce ocazie....
@Riendespecial: Creatiile Haute Couture oricum nu sunt destinate purtarii zi de zi, sunt colectii speciale, impresionante uneori...In rest raman colectiile Ready to wear.