Bye 2020,Hello 2021!
I thought about writing or not this post, as 2020 had been a very difficult year.
If it hadn't been for the last 3 months I could have said it was not that bad.
Everything took a different turn from work, to health and life itself.
Until August I was happy because I lost 15 kg and managed to keep 3 full months of AIP.
I was also going to gym, been to a The Mono Jacks concert in a vineyard and also to a theatre play in Bucharest.
At the beginning of September I went for 5 days at Oradea and travelling was so different in these times.
My first panic attacks began in September, continued then almost daily on a stressful basis from work.
I had to exit a project because my health was not good.
It took months of trying meds and geting used to side effects and I feel there are so many things I've lost on this time.
I'm not over the anxiety yet, I'm trying every day to get closer to what felt normal months ago.
I would like to say this year it was about being stronger, but I don't feel it, quite the opposite.
I was very dissapointed about work and I think it's time for change.
It's been also the year when I got back to therapy because I want and need to heal all the pain I kept inside.
This had been the hardest year since 2014 when I lost my mom.
I'm grateful for all the people that stood by my side during this time, that understood my struggles, and shown me compassion and kindness.
Because of this I continued to walk even if it was slower than before.
2021,please bring back my health and a new beginning.