Figure skating Olympics

You all know how the oplympics for figure skating men ended this morning, with some "great surprises" and a lot of dissapointment.
So, Plushenko finished second and won the silver medal, which for him and his great and hard work is some kind of nothing(at least right now), Takahashi finished 3, and Joubert 16 of 24 and i think i had never seen him so down in the last 6-7 years.
This is another dissapointment for this olimpics, because Joubert is really talented(technically and artistic), but he's not very emotionally stable when it's needed:(sorry!)
As Elvis Stojko said at, how can you bee Olimpic champion when you don't even try the quad?
The answer is simple, you can, and Lysacek did it very well !
And he also says that the judges' scoring was ridiculous, which is also my very subjective opinion this time.
It's very unfair when you have to make a programme just to get as much points as possible, and it also seems that the quads don't mean that much anymore, even if most of the so great skaters can't even have the courage to do it (especially at the olimpics).
I'm also glad that Johnny Weir finished 5 th , which is quite a good result for him:)
So, i can only be very disapointed of this situation, where Lysacek has only 1 gold medal at Wold Championships, some 1th place at Skate America, and guess what Plushenko already has 3 gold World Championships, 6 gold medals at European Championships, 8 gold for Russian Championships, 5 gold at Grand-prix Final, and so on....
It's great to see him back! Waiting for the World Championships starting in march!:)


Anonymous said…

Sunt complet de acord cu tine, dar deh, din Canada s-a vazut mai artistica prestatia americanului. Te miră? Sunt de acord cu Plushenko(read the interview), sa participi la olimpiada doar cu triple si sa mai si castigi e de-a dreptul jenant, nu numai dezamagitor.
Nu ma mira deloc, iar articolul l-am citit ieri:) Mi-a placut atitudinea lui de a-l felicita pe un japonez care a aterizat ca si el o cvadrupla curata:)
Chiar si Lambiel a fost interesant, dar punctat destul de prost:(